How is Industrial Spray Painting Better?


Repair and refurbishment of the building require a lot of planning and attention to minute details. Cost increases if repair and refurbishment are done after a longer span than expected. On-time repair and refurbishment of the buildings, especially commercial and industrial buildings help in enhancing the aesthetic appearance and strength of the building.

It is one of the fast, economical and long-lasting ways of protecting your building from weather hazards or damages.

On site spraying and repairing is a need of every building after a certain span on a regular basis. Spray painting is the most preferred technique and is an efficient way of applying high-quality paints on a wide range of surfaces.

Range of Application: Industrial spray paints work with a wide range of liquid materials such as paint, primer etc. It gives uniform coverage on all kinds of surfaces such as wood, metal, plastics, fibreglass etc. It can be used in providing a wide range of services such as cladding and roof spraying, intumescent coatings and aluminium window spraying.

Speed and Efficiency: Spray painting technique is best when you want to cover a large area such as a ceiling or roller door, commercial floor etc. It reduces the time taken for the job and covers the surface quickly, reducing the cost of the job.

Controlled Atomisation: An airless sprayer pumps the paint at very high pressure through a specialised hose into a small hole in the nozzle of the sprayer. If you want to apply thicker paint, use a larger spray tip nozzle. High pressure ensures that the pain is atomised to produce a fine mist.

Less Water: HPLV is a high-volume, low-pressure, popular spray painting technique that uses a lightweight air turbine instead of a large compressor to supply atomised paint. The air compressed here is much lower in pressure and speed hence the amount of overspray material wastage is vastly reduced.

Better Finish: The paint particles that come out of the spray in the form of tiny droplets with pressure spreads evenly creating a mirror-like finish on different surfaces. The industrial spray painting system gives a smooth texture and even finish. It can withstand harmful corrosion and wear and tear as well.

How to Prepare The Building and Nearby Areas for Spray Paint?

Different surfaces require different types of preparation. Here we will be discussing preparation for each surface.

For Concrete Surface,

  • Clean the surface with the mineral spirit or using detergent.
  • Use sandpaper, wire brush or steel wool to remove all the extra loose paint and rust.
  • Sand the glossy surface with fine-grain sandpaper and clean it with a tack cloth.

For-metal Surfaces,

  • Remove all the rust using a wire brush or sandpaper and make the surface smooth.
  • Degrease using degreaser or denatured alcohol.
  • Apply primer to the surface before applying paint to protect against rust and corrosion.

For plastic surfaces,

  • Ammonia-based cleaner for old plastic and paint thinner for new plastic can be used to clean the surface.
  • Remove dust using a tack cloth and let the surface of the plastic dry.

Ceramic or glass surface for shop front onsite spraying.

  • Sand it slightly using fine grain sandpaper.
  • Clean it with a tack cloth and apply spray paint primer to further improve adhesion.

Industrial spray painting produces much less waste than other traditional painting methods. It can cover surfaces such as wood, plastic, fibreglass and even metal panelling.

If you are looking for professional on site spraying services ARS limited is a well-known home improvement service provider that can help you provide different repair and refurbishment services such as on site spraying service, glass repair service and much more. They are dedicated to delivering on time and high-quality service to all their customers. The types of equipment and materials they use are also of superior quality. If you want to know more about their service and the work they have done for their clients, visit their online site today.

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